Wednesday, October 24, 2007

3 days and counting!

That's right... my little baby girl turns one this Saturday. Unbelievable! And, go ahead and ask me... did I work on her birthday festivities yet? Nope. We are have a little party for her on Sunday so that gives me 4 days to get my act in gear. Friday will be my big shopping day for decorations, loot bags, gifts etc. My darling husband suggested we order platters of food from a local restaurant / take-out place just around the corner. After much hesitation, I agreed and, let me tell you, what a load off my shoulders! First time that I do not have to dream up a menu... someone else has done it me. Great!

Oh... and I mention that Alexia has started to walk! Yup... for a few weeks now she was standing very sturdily and then last week, she started taking a couple of steps unassisted. Yesterday, she took a total of 12 steps before realizing what she was doing and, of course, threw herself down. It won't be long now before she starts to tear through the entire house! Too cute!


4D said...

Happy Early 1st Birthday Sweet Alexia!!

She is flourishing!

Keep smilin!

RoLo said...

Wishing you a wonderful birthday and a super weekend.

Sophie's Mom said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

Rien ne peut comparer avec le joie d'une mère en voyant son enfant commence son premier pas dans sa vie, je suis ravie aussi, une belle, petite princesse vit heureuse dans une famille canadienne! Ce n'est pas une légende, c'est vous deux qui réalisez ce rêve en vérité.