Sunday, November 8, 2009

Some People are Just Plain Lucky!

I am very lucky to still see my childhood BFF on a very regular basis, LC. We have been through so much together: childhood play, puberty, boyfriends etc. When LC got married and had a child, her priorities changed (rightfully so) and I was single and childless. So enter my now BFF, LG. We met when we were in our early twenties and she has been there through cegep, boyfriends and many adult like problems. Needless to say, I consider myself extremely lucky to have two BFFs!

So a few weeks ago, my now BFF, LG, announces that she has won a trip to Hawaii! Lucky her. And everyone assumes that, she being single and I being her BFF, that I would be the lucky recepient of that second ticket to Hawaii. Also, LG is the one I went to Paris with last year and we decided that we would travel together once every 2 years. A shoe in, you all think. But she did the honorable thing and took the time to think about.

Last night, at my 25th High School Reunion, which I attended with LC, my childhood BFF, one of the door prizes was a 7-day cruise in the Caribean. I was feeling somewhat lucky and having won nothing of the 120 door prizes, I just assumed that my number, 126, was in that box to win the trip. And with every number being pulled out, my odds were getting greater. The MC draws the number and (enter drumroll here), the winning number was......................................................................................................................


My BFF is the winner! Great for her. Not so great for me as she just announced to me that after 6 years of being single (she's divorced), she now has a boyfriend. Guess who'll be going on the trip....

Fast forward to this morning, I call LG to tell her the funny outcome. That my 2 BFFs has both won trips and I was flat out on my ass! LG then proceeds to beat around the bush and finally announces that


YAHOO! So, in fact, having not actually won anything myself, I've got one trip to Hawaii in the bag and if I play my cards right and lobby quietly, LC may come to her senses and see that I am much more important that some new found boyfriend and take me instead! Heehee!


mom to three great kids said...

I think i need a new Bff!
Mine isn't taking me anywhere...Congratulations...Hope you have a great trip!!!!

Wanda said...

Oh WOW. Lucky you. Hmmm....where'd you find these gals?

Have a wonderful time!