On Saturday, it is up early to shovel the roof (Gord) while I make waffles (yum-yum). Once the breakfast dishes are done, I throw some ingredients in the slow cooker to make a mighty tasty beef stroganoff. Once that was going, I throw together a lunch for the skiers (Cara-Li and Gord) who leave me for the entire day of fun in the snow. Then, I bake an upside down pineapple cake just because I have a pineapple lying around. Alexia is either napping, eating or playing during all the cooking / baking time. Somewhere in between all this, I read my next photography lesson and think about my assignment which is stressing me as I do not know when I will take my 3 required shots. Upon the skiers' return, dinner is promptly served and devoured by all. Once the kids are tucked into bed, it is my turn to lie down on the couch and catch some ZZZZ's before starting another day. All this before 8PM!
Sssshhhh, Baby. What did Oprah just day?
Alexia is proud to be feeding Baby!
My delicious Upside Down Pineapple Cake
On Sunday, it is up even earlier as Cara-Li insisted on skiing again. So Gord and Cara-Li are gone by 9AM and back by noon looking for lunch. After a quick bite (there was noooo cooking today - leftovers only), we decide to snoeshoe around the lake. This is my opportunity to get my pictures! So with camera around my neck, I try to capture the beauty surrounding me. And after over 500 pictures, I think I got my 3 shots. My family is ready to disown me at this point. I even caught Gord wishing the batteries would die or that the memory card was full. They just don't get it! Alexia and I return to the cottage for a nap while the other 2 snowmobile off into the sunset. Oh and let's not forget our lovely Sunday night dinner at Chalet BBQ. It doesn't get better than chicken and french fries after a weekend like this!
My snowshoers, Gord and Alexia.
And Cara-Li, the other snowshoer.
And they're off to blaze a trail around the lake.
Wow, I have the exact same pictures of Naomi as Alexia's baby bottle shots!! :o)
That pineapple cake looks yummo!!!
Your weekend sounds wonderful as for weekends being busy Iam busy 7 days a week with 6 kids under the age of eight time fly's and I need more then 24 hours in a day to accomplish anything , between 3 loads of laundry everyday , meals house cleaning picking up spit from the babies and then let's not forget baths well you get the idea but I would not change a thing, yes I am tired but it is a good tired
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