Two years ago, a very special little girl was placed in our arms in Nanchang, Jiangxi, China at app. 4:30PM. Our lives changed forever once again at that particular moment. Gord and I became parents for a second time while Cara-Li became Jie Jie for the very first time. Our little Guang Yun Xia changed us all. She graced us with her presence after a very long wait (we won't discuss that for those who are still waiting) and we couldn't have been more estatic. Cara-Li took her new role as big sister extremely seriously and is still, 2 years later, the BEST Jie Jie one could ever have! Alexia, better known as Xia Xia, has blossomed over that last 2 years and has integrated into our family so well that we can't even remember life without her. She is such a special little girl with her very own mind and will stand her ground. She is definitely a force to reckon with but we knew this going in. And we are happy about it! What is unbelievable is that it has been 2 years since we were in China and I swear it feels like it was yesterday. Every moment, every feeling is so extremely vivid in my mind. My hope is that I can hang on to these memories forever and ever seeing they are certainly the most happiest times of my life!

Happy Forever Family Day, Alexia Yun Xia!

Happy, happy Gotcha Day!! (I spoke with Mary on the phone today and she reminded me that it's been 2 years - how is that possible? I remember vividly your trip and all the pictures and reports you sent back home. I hung on them - thinking we'd be going soon too for our little meimei. Well, sooner was later but it's done!)
What a beauty your Alexis is (and was.)Just another addition to an already beautiful family. Congrats!
(Hey, Milana's name is Shi Yun. I didn't realize she and Alexis share the name Yun. Do you know that Yun means melody. Cool eh?
Oh, how precious she was back then, and how amazingly beautiful both your girls have become! I still wish we could have travelled together instead of the following month, but then we wouldn't have Marianne...
Happy, happy, happy family day to everyone!
(And did you notice on that first picture: you all ahve the same haircut! ;o)
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