Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
A Quick Summary...
Last week, we attended our very first Hannukah party at V's house. They had a bunch of their friends over for a Latka and Vodka party. Brilliant! Everything was fabulous and we were very grateful to have been included. Cara-Li was very much intrigued about the whole Jewish thing. Besides SQ and NJ, Cara-Li has only one other Jewish friend and it always makes for interesting converssation later. The are too cute! As you can see, Gord brought his torch to the party and the kids thought it was the coolest thing!
And since I am not busy enough, I organized a Children's Christmas Party for the following afternoon for our Italian Association. 25 children, 25 gifts to buy and wrap and lots of parents and grandparents to feed. But it went well. Everyone loved their gifts and everyone ate. Party over in 3 hours and I was back home in my jammies. As you can see, Alexia is still not too sure of the Big Guy. Don't blame her really!
Ah, yes. I forgot to mention that the morning prior to the Christmas party, I had to bake 12 dozen cookies for my annual cookie exchange that I host. Yes, I was up at 6:00 AM, measuring, mixing and baking for app. 5 hours in order to complete this task. The party was held a few days later. Lots of nibbles and lots of drinks later, everyone went home witha huge variety of cookies. We are certainly ready for the holidays now!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Olympic Torch Relay

And suddenly there it was, the Olmpic Flame coming along on a bike. Gord got into position as he was told and boom there was Gord's torch lit with the Olympic flame. Man! This is when you really feel it, the power that this symbol has. I was quite emotional to be in the presence of this flame that came all the way from Greece. The crowd went crazy! They must have felt it too.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
' Twas the Night Before...
Anyone and everyone that comes out to watch is welcome to join us back at the house for drinks and munchies. The stand for the torch has been set up for display purposes for all to view. Should be a great day. Will report back once it's all over.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry.
Tis the Season!

This past Sunday was the Adoptive Families of Quebec's Annual Holiday Party. I help a dear friend plan this event à. My job is to purchase and wrap the children's presents. All 42 of them! Yup... that's right... 42. Perhaps I did not have time to worry about my own shopping as I was otherwise preoccupied...