Cara-Li is thrilled to have a baby sister! We have been preparing her for the possibility of a brother. We could almost see a sign of relief when we told her it was a girl. We have a very, very happy 5 year old right now.!
I am in panic mode. We don't have any clothes for such a young baby as Cara-Li was 16 months when we brought her home. Must go shopping! I have not prepared a care package to send to her in China despite the 20 months we had to prepare. Must go shopping! We must get some suitcases. Must go shopping! She is 8 months old... do I need a smaller car seat? Must go shopping! What about a baby carrier? Must go shopping! What in the world have I been doing for the last 20 months? Apparently, not much!
Here is a map of China so that you can see where our girls are from. Cara-Li is from Guangxi and Yun Xia is from Jiangxi... a couple of Southern Belles!

P.S.: I know some of you are afraid of blogs and do not know how to Comment. Here is a quick how to for those who don't blog! At the bottom of each post you will see a number with Comments . If you click on this you can read comments others have made AND add one of your own. Type your comment in the big box, click on the Other bubble, enter your name and finally the Publish Your Comment bubble. It is just that simpe.
OK... I am off to, you guessed it, SHOP!!!
Oh, geez! I guess we should name her too! Goodness, where is my ''To Do List''...
Congrats, have fun shopping......
don Mary Scott Stephen Alison Shannon Lola
Congrats to you!! Shop away!!!
All I have been doing for the last month is shopping because I did not have anything for such a young baby either! Our daughters are 6 days apart in age .. Naomi's bday is October 21, 2006!
Happy shopping!
Julie (still waiting for TA!)
again, congrats. I have a TON of stuff that small, so you need to come over and get some. Great clothes, snow suits, etc. And you can have my Mei Tai carrier, because clearly, you will be able to carry that tiny baby around! so small, probably won't even fit in the front of the Joovy! Oh my god, you'll need a read-facing car seat! PANIC! (hey hey!)
Congratualtions. What wonderful news. We are overjoyed for you and can't wait to hear more....PS: Very fancy blog
PS: The above blog was from Kathryn , Jonathan, Daphne and Spiro. I hit enter too fast:( a fellow November LID
Congratulations guys!!! Wishing you all the best & looking forward to the pictures!!! (It is now official that Gord has lost all clout in the house, 3-1....)
Steve & Marcela Proctor
OH have fun shopping..Hope you most pics>.Thrilled for you!
Félicitations. Nous sommes tellement content pour vous. On a hâte de vous voir vendredi à Duchesnay. Éléonore vient aussi du Jiangxi.
Bernard, Sylvie, Éléonore et Félicia.
Congratulations on your referral!!!
When you are ready to obtain her finding ad (with a photo usually earlier than her referral photo!), come visit us at
Have a quick trip, and congrats!
How fantastic for you and your family to finally have your little one ready for you. Our beautiful daughter Alison is from Guangchang SWI and she is the joy of our lives. We are LID April of 07 for Alison's little sister Scarlett, and know we have such a long wait. Can't wait to see photos of the little one. Alison was almost a year and very small but in good health.
Dreams do come true!!! Congratulations and love from Brigeen, Gerry and Katie xxx
Finally your wait is almost over :)!
Yay!!! So happy to see referrals for my RQ buddies! Wishing you speedy travels to your precious daughter.
Cristina (AKA Tassiegirl)
Congrats!!! 8 wonderful. Can't wait to see a pic.
Shop til you drop!
PS. I just found solid color onsies and tees at Target for $1.24 each.
felicitation pour votre petite fille
nous sommes belges et aussi en attente d'une petite de chine
pendant cette attente je realise un bai jia bei voudriez vous en faire partie ou courte pointe
je vous laisse l'adresse de mon blog afin que l'on fasse connaissance
au plaisir de se lire et a très bientot
fabienne lambillon
Congratulations, guys ! Thanks for commenting on our blog. These sure are exciting moments !
We are thrilled!!! Cari-Li is going to be the BEST big sister ever!!! She has had lots practice with Madison!! We wish we could be there to celebrate with you!!! Can't wait to find out the name of little Mei Mei!!!
Take care and Keep up posted!
Leanne & Madison
Congrats!!! What wonderful news!
SO happy for you.
Keep smilin!
Hi Susan & Gordie,
An 8 month baby girl wow.
I could feel your excitment but you need to chill girl or you'll drive Gordie mad. I'll call you so you can make me laugh with all your shopping escapades.
Love Karen Adolfo and David
Hey there!
It was great to see your news! What a thrill, such a young baby....What a great family you will all be and what fun it will be for Cara-Li to have a little sister. Look forward to more updates and the pictures!
Elena, Pino, Samuel and Michael
OK, I feel silly. I just posted on your Blah, blah, blah post thinking I was posting for your referral announcement. So here it goes again.
Yippe, congrats!! So happy for you getting a precious little baby girl. Your Mei Mei will bring such joy to your home. :)
Love, Jennifer in VA from Autumn Dreamers
On est très content pour vous. J'espère que nous pourrons voir sa binette en fin de semaine lors de notre rencontre. À très bientôt.
Guylaine , Yves et Marie-Li
Dear Cara-Li, welcome to the big siblings club...we are all so thrilled for the four of you!
You will be in our prayers over the next few months as you travel to get wee Mei Mei. Just think, she's going to be smaller than Jesse is!
Lots of love Mack & Robby...and the other three Briscoes last it actually happened yeah!!!!!!!!
I am sure you are all on cloud nine!!
Best wishes from a fellow FUF person!
we are very happy for you - caroline is a bit jealous that Carol-li gets to have a baby sister and she has 3 yucky brothers and only 1 sister and she is TOO big...She know wants us to adopt a baby sister for her but I think NOT..
so Caroline says a big congratulations to her friend cara-li.
linda and Caroline Piquette
Félicitations pour la bonne nouvelle! Nous sommnes très heureuses pour vous trois et ne pouvons attendre pour voir ses photos. Quelle coincidence que nous nous voyons tous cette fin de semaine-ci...
Chantal, Dominique, Elisabeth et Sheela-Sati
Congratulations! My mei mei, Maura Xiao Mei, was born on October 27, 2005. Can't wait to see pictures!
Jie jie to Maura Xiao Mei
(b. 10/27/05 in Xuwen, Guangdong, China)
Gord and Susie and Cara-Li- Exciting news! Hannah is from Jiangxi and we loved our trip to Nanchang. Hannah was 7 months and almost 18 pounds when we got her(wearing 12 month clothes) so don't buy too small. There is great shopping in Nanchang.
Lisa, Robert, Hannah and Maya
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