It started off with a family photo shoot at a studio. Boy... this is not an activity for the faint at heart! It is not easy to get a picture of a one year old that all she wants to do is walk around. God bless that photographer! Here are some of the photos that were taken. Do you know how hard it is to choose out of over 100 shots? I have purposely omitted the photo that will be used for our Christmas card. You will have to wait and see!
Next came scrapbooking. I finally started cutting up those pictures and using all the scrapbooking goodies I have been saving for the last four years. What a weight off my shoulders even though I only have three pages done. I am on my way! Thanks to my new friend Red for coming over and holding my hand while I cut parts of my daughter's hands and feet off (in the pictures of course!).
Next on the agenda was the preparation for a bridal shower that I was part-organizing. I was in charge of purchasing and wrapping the group gifts. And I decided to make the bride-to-be a wedding cake. Yes, this cake is make of towels... lots of them tightly rolled. It turned out well, I must say.
Then on Saturday, I spent half the day going to the mall to pick up the photos only to realize that I had forgotten my gift certicate at home (for the second time) therefore had to go back home to fetch it. All this with 2 children, seeing that my darling husband left ever so early that morning for a week in St. Louis.
And then, Sunday was the said bridal shower at which I spent most of the day at. Lots of fun was had by all. Geez... I wish I was getting married all over again. The gifts the bride-to-be were fab!
Today, I thought I would relax but alas I had to actually work from home as stuff needed to be ordered for the store... Christmas is around the corner after all!
And tomorrow after I drop Cara-Li off at school, Alexia and I are off to work for a couple of hours as I must finalize my ordering and cannot do so from the comforts of home. And I musn't forget to pick-up my Christmas cards from Costco. I am ever so anxious to see the final product!
OK... gotta go!