It started off with a fabulous Open House Happy Hour at our dear friends house. They had officially, just hours earlier, purchased a new home and decided to invite anyone and everyone to visit it and, of course, have a drink (or two)! So that was our Friday evening. Mamma didn't have to cook. The Hostess planned for some munchies (lots of them) and that was dinner. Thanks MC! My two girls had a blast running through their old new house and we did not see them until 11PM when we finally decided to head home.
Next was soccer for Cara-Li early Saturday morning. After a late night, it took some coaxing to get everyone up. I, on the otherhand, have spring fever, so I was up early and mentally blowing out walls and redoing the entire front of our house. But for what I have in mind, I would a pile of money sooo.... we went to play soccer instead. Cara-Li needed a bit of a push and some convincing to play soccer. I personally want her to play as it is a social hour for me :) I get to chit-chat with our fellow neighbours. What??? I'm not allowed to be selfish? She's having fun... In fact, it turns out she did have fun. Yayyy! Apparently, she now likes soccer because she likes the uniform. Who knew I had a fashionista as a daughter. Anyway, after I dropped off Cara-Lu and Gord at the soccer fiels, Alexia nd I headed off to the huge neighbourhood garagre sale. I had a $100 to spend so I was ready! So a bunch of books later I came across a printer that I so desparately needed for work. I was quite pleased with myself with my $5 purchase most especially since a friend that happened to be going by was going to deliver it to me. But at the same vendor as the printer I see this:
I had completely forgotten that this was on my WANT list. I always set out to garage sales with a WANT and NEED list. Otherwise I tend to get sidetracked. Anyway, there it was. I did manage to get it down to $30 and for whatever reason I was waflling. Should I get it or not? In the end I did since my printer was leaving and thought I should probably add this bike to his load. You should have seen Cara-Li's face when she saw it. Pure joy! It is now installed in the back of my bike (which I have not ridden in 15 years! Mental note: go buy a helmet) and Alexia is in a baby seat on the back of Gord's bike. The Farrells can finally bike as a family!
Needless to say that Cara-Li and I biked all around town which brings me to the next topic of converation. (Can you tell I am having a glass (or 2) of wine as I type this?) Anyhoo. We biked in a part of town that we normally don't visit too much by foot. And there it is. The most amazing house! For sale!
So we biked by it one way. And then the other way. Rushed home to find it on the internet and sent Gord off to see it. We love it. We make an appointment to see it the next day.
Just to end off a most wonderful day, we, along with some very great friends,C, P and G, (who could be our neighbours should we buy said house) head off to dine at a Korean BBQ restaurant. Can you say yummy! It is now the flavour of the month. It is my new favourite cuisine. Perfect end to a perfect day. But when I get home, I find a Tweet from MM about bowling with the girls in the AM. Fabulous. A plan for the next day!
Cara-Li and I headed off to the bowling alley on Sunday AM (this is after Cara-Li asks about when she will do her homework. Mental note: Must get to that before sundown) while Alexia and Gord go grocery shopping. We meet up with MM and MD and their 2 wonderful daughters, Dumpling and BB. We had a fabulous time bowling (well the girls bowled while the parents caught up with stuff). And after bowling, we had a grand reunion at the grocery about 40 seconds later! You should have seen the girls in the parking lot. It was like they had never seen each other!
Next on tap was a quick bite to eat at a local spot (gotta love Mo-West!) and then off we went to the Lachine canal. Gord and C jogged while Cara-Li and I (along with P and G) biked along the canal (with a stop at the ice cream joint of course). What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! Wait. It did not end there. We went back to C and P's for a dip in the hot tub (by the way, did I mention we're geting a hot tub for the cottage AND town?) No. No. It did not end there. Cara-Li and Alexia went to J's house for a playdate while Mom went home to make dinner. Which is where I'm at. I prepared dinner (very quickly) and am now blogging with a glass of wine. I must say that this is the way to do it. Sorry about any typos that may have occured but there you go. I must now go tend to my dinner and continue to make plans to better this house! Where is that cheque book.....
PS: Any weekend that starts with Happy Hour and ends with Happy Hour is a great weekend exect when your daughter has to do homework before Monday Am..... (sigh!!!!)
I'm laughing my head off - and am in complete agreement with sandwiching a glorious week-end with Happy Hours!
Pssst....and yes, we could tell :-)
Interesting how seeing something clearly "over the fence" makes us appreciate our own so much more.
Sounds like a splendid weekend!
Keep smilin!
Wow, sounds jam packed!! We went to Ottawa for the Tulip festival. 4 hours with 2 kids in a car with nothing to do but bug each other ... pass the vino!! :o)
So, I see that you don't feel so bad about all that wine anymore, hey? ;o)
Good for you!
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