I haven't had any time to update my blog and frankly have been spending next to no time at my computer at home. With my new Blackberry, I can access all my e-mails and web sites from the comforts of my bed!
Anyway, I found some pictures from Mother's Day that I forgot to post. It was a terribly cold day on Mother's Day but we certainly tried to make the best of it. My younger brother
organized a lovely outing for all the Moms in our family including his wife's side of the family. We all went for brunch at the Golf Club where they got married. It was really great to just eat and eat and eat!

It is SOOOOOO easy to be a Mom to these two fabulous little girls. I am soooo lucky!
Last weekend was a long weekend for us Canadians, something about the 2 Queens' birthdays :) Anyway, we decided to head west down the 401 to visit Gord's family in Guelph, a little past Toronto. Besides the usual visits with his parents, we also got to spend quality time with the girls' two younger cousins, N & C. The 4 of them always have a grand old time together.
This year we went to the butterfly conservatory to check out the papillons. Funny that when we were driving home to Montreal (and doing Cara-Li's homework), we discovered that she was learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. Cool! We put what she was learning into practice!

We also spent a day and a half in Toronto. We had promised Cara-Li that we would visit the CN tower. Remember when she was asking about going to Paris and Italy to visit the Eiffel Tower and Pisa. Well, visiting the CN tower is much cheaper seeing that it is on the same continent as us! But first, Mamma was promised some shopping time. So we stopped at the Yorkdale Mall on our way and Lord behold, Gymboree was having a massive sale! Yes! My dream! We do not have Gymboree in Quebec so my visits are very few and far between. I usually place my orders by phone with a store in St. Louis that is attached to the hotel that Gord stays at or I order online and have it shipped to one of Gord's wonderful co-workers in St. Louis for him to bring back on his next trip. Now, stuff was already on sale and then there was an additional 30% off of everything! I made out like a bandit. However, I had spent so much time in that one store that it didn't leave me much time to hit my other favorites, Crate and Barrel, Pottery Barn and Williams-Sonoma. In fact, I was so spent from the one hour of intense shopping that I was unable to purchase anything from the other stores. Too much pressure! To round off our day, we stopped off in Chinatown for some quick buys and a lovely dinner. Gord got us a really nice room on the 34th floor at the Sheraton with a wonderful view of the tower.

The girls were beyond excited and frankly, I was too as I was dying to try out the perfect sleeper bed with all its glorious bedding and pouffy pillows. We decided not to bring up Alexia's crib for the night as we decided that she could sleep in Cara-Li's blow-up Hello Kitty sleeping bag. Can we say excited? OMG! She went in it at 9PM and did not stop moving until 11PM when I threatened her. I slept with Cara-Li and for whatever reason, she did not stop moving either. I was hit by every one of her flying limbs and needless to say, I did not sleep a wink. So much for those perfect sleeper beds!!! Gord, however, slept in his own bed and woke up in the morning fresh as a daisy. Good thing they had Starbucks coffee in the room otherwise I would not have been able to start my day. We had a lovely buffet breakfast followed by a dip in the pool (Cara-Li loves hotels and must swim in all the pools). And then we were off to tackle that tower. Of course, by the time we got there, Alexia had fallen asleep. As a joke, I said to Cara-Li that sleeping babies do not have to pay to go up the tower. Now, we were at the highest point when Alexia woke up. You should have seen Cara-Li's face! She had this look of guilt and exclaimed that we hadn't paid for Alexia because she was sleeping. But now that she was up, she wanted to know how we would go about paying for her. Too cute! I explained that I was being silly but that in fact Alexia did not have to pay because she was under 4.

Here the girls are lying down on the glass floor that is 113 floors up! There is nothing below them. It is quite something to stand on that floor... I, personally, had a hard time.
And now I iclude the following two pictures because I thought they were pretty cool. Too bad I am not taking a photography class at this time :(

Looks like you had a great trip. (Save those pics for your next class - they're great.)
Good times!!
BTW...there is a Gymboree in Ottawa at the St Laurent Mall...I have been there. Sigh...love it!
Keep smilin!
When did Alexia grow so much??? Oh my... I guess I haven't been to your place in too long! ;o)
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