My little Alexia is 11 months old today. Happy Birthday sweetiepie! It is hard to believe that it has been already a month since we started our journey to China. Time flies when you are having fun! I better hurry up and start planning the 1st birthday party...
We are off to the cottage tomorrow for the weekend, Alexia's first. I do hope that she likes her room up there. Wait till she finds out she has to share with Cara-Li. Cara-Li is extremely excited to be sleeping in the same room as her as in town they have their own bedrooms. We'll see how that goes!
This past weekend, Cara-Li joined up with her soccer team for a final few games of the season. Most of her friends/team mates are off to other schools so she was very excited to see them again.

Alexia also got to meet her baby cousin Bianca who is 8 months old. They are basically the same size in every way. They were so cute together! My parents, brothers and sister-in-laws also got to spend some time with Alexia. They only got to see her upon our arrival for a little bit before we went into our cocoon for a week. We are now out and doing the rounds!
Happy 11 months Alexia. Can't wait to see you!!!
Debbie, Cody and Nikki
Wow, you're taking Alexia to sleep elsewhere already! Woman, you are our beacon of hope, as we soooo want to take our daughter places in a few months!!! Even if we don't have her yet... ;o) I'll be following and crossing my fingers for success!
Happy 11 months Alexia, nous avons hate de ton premier anniversaire. Susie, est-ce que nous pourrons avoir cette honneur de nous presenter au party de la premiere fete d'Alexia?
Zhiqin et John
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