Now, it is very far from perfect but a good first attempt, if I do say so myself. I always felt so sorry for my swap partner but now I am not as stressed. I am quite satisfied with the results! So much so, I have already purchased more fabric to start on a second quilt, this time slightly larger.
Do you remember that famous toothache I had just weeks before leaving for China? And all my dentists were on vacation and I had to beg and plead to get a root canal done? Yeah, that tooth. Well, I was having a sandwich today when all of a sudden I felt a strong shooting pain right at that spot. Yup. After spending a gazillion dollars trying to save the tooth, I can just see it now... ''Ma'am, there's nothing we can done. It must be extracted.'' I am booking an appointment with my dentist....
And finally, we headed out to see our pediatrician for Alexia's 18 month visit and guess who we ran into? Dumpling and BB from Mortimer's Mom. The girls really like each other, it only took them 2 seconds to warm up to one other. And the Doc got a kick out of the fact that the 2 older girls are from the orphanage.
Oh, here's that pic of Alexia and her new do as promised. It's the best I could do for today.