Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Conclusion
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Uncover the Cure
Gord's personal page
Thanks :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Gotta Love Anniversaries!
I mentionned this anniversary to Gord yesterday and he became very insistent that we have lunch together today to celebrate. Mondays are never a good day for me to leave the store but I figured, what the hay, he is so gung ho about it. What's up with that?? And he is leaving for Toronto for the entire week for work AND is missing my birthday. However, when I got to work today, we were short-staffed and therefore, it was impossible for me to leave. So Gord joined me for lunch in my office and over a Big Mac, this is what he handed over to me....

It was wrapped of course with a lovely card. A diamond and sapphire tennis bracelet!! To die for!! The occasion... for having Alexia. It is a lovely tradition that I heard about years ago (Gord is convinced that I made it up). Husband gives a piece of jewelery to his wife at the arrival of their child and then that piece of jewelery is handed down to them when they are older. It is a little late as Alexia has been with us for a year but one should not complain. Did you see what I got?? A tennis bracelet!!!!
This is what was given to me for Cara-Li's arrival.

In case you haven't noticed, I love sapphires. And it is my birthstone. I wonder if Gord knows that....
Friday, September 5, 2008
It's Friday....
A round of muffins for everyone! Yahooo!
Too cute!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
One Year Ago Today....
Monday, September 1, 2008
It's a Tough Life....
We had the MOST fabulous Labour Day weekend ever! The weather was more than stupendous and the lake was surprisingly warm. There was nothing to do and no where to be. Just a whole lotta of fun by the water!
Sunset at Lake Hughes
Sunrise at Lake Hughes
Big offensive-looking Sea-Doo teeter-tater that the kids absolutely loved! Thanks C and P for leaving it behind. We'll make sure it gets back to you for use in your hot tub!
And guess where I am off to the first week of October....
PARIS!!!! And with my very bestest girlfriend for an entire week of food, wine, touring and sleeping when I want to with no kids to wake me up!