These girls are too funny and they surely have all the answers.
Cara-Li was waiting for her piano teacher to show up for her weekly lesson when I suggested that she practice her piece before his arrival. She mentionned that she did not know how to play it and since I am somewhat musically challenged, I was unable to help her. So I asked her nicely to sit at the piano and try her best and mentionned that Mozart would sit there and fiddle with the notes until he came up with some great masterpieces. To which she answered, ''Well, Mom. In case you haven't noticed, I am NOT Mozart!''
Now Alexia, another smartypants. We always set up on the dining room table to do Cara-Li's homework and often enough, Alexia will sit with us. She colours and thinks that she is doing homwork. So the other day, Alexia was screaming that she wanted to do homework. So I asked her to go get her colours and colouring books to which she responded, ''No Mommy. You go. I'm too busy!''
Where do they get all this stuff??
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
My Baby

Today, my baby Alexia, is 2 1/2 years old. Where has the time gone? Wasn't it just yesterday that we were heading off to China to pick her up?
Alexia is the most strong-willed child I have ever met and she certainly gives us all a run for our money. She most especially has her Daddy wrapped around her little finger but that isn't much different from how Cara-Li was with her Dad at the same age. She has the sweetest smile and greatest laugh but watch out... it can turn into a screaming fest should things not go her way. Gone is Sweet Alexia and in comes Feisty and Whiny Alexia. It's a good thing she is really cute :) Alexia knows everything and understands everything. She can count and knows her ABCs but refuses categorically to learn the colours. And she knows that it bothers me so she does it on purpose to get them all wrong. Her vocabulary is incredible and has really improved in the last month. She makes complete sentences that have a noun, a verb and oh whatever else a sentence should have :)
We haven't started toilet training yet but this is the weekend. Today I explained to her how it's gonna go down. It will be intense one on one training all day Saturday (must get rid of Gord and Cara-Li). She gets to wear cute little girl underwear and gets candy when she goes to the potty. 1 candy for pee-pee and 2 candy for ca-ca. This worked with Cara-Li and she was completely trained within 2 weeks. She completely understood and headed off to the potty mubbling candy, candy, candy all the way there!
OK.. I'm off to get her a little cake as she just loves singing Happy Birthday and blowing out candles.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Home Sweet Home!
Some years ago, before kids, I would come to this neighbourhood to trick-or-treat with my friend's daughter. I did this for a couple of years when Gord was out of town and I always loved the old homes and the friendliness of all the people. Now when was the last time you were offered a glass a wine (more than once in the evening) by the people at whose house you were begging for candy? On year two, I announced to Gord upon his return that we would one day move to Montreal-West. And I was serious. By December 1st of that year, we had bought ourselves a house in Mo-West (as it is lovingly called by all the locals) just down the street from our friends. We were scheduled to move in mid-May of the following year just about the same time that we were due to travel to China for Cara-Li. However, the Big Guy upstairs had other plans for us. Due to the SARS outbreak, our travels to China were postponed till the end of July and we had plenty of time to move in and settle in. Anyway, fast forward six years. This past Saturday was a glorious day breaking all records with a temperature of 29 degrees. We all headed out for a quick bike ride around the block when we ran into B and her daughter K (a 16 year old adoptee from China and the reason why we have our 2 girls) at the café. We stopped to chit chat for a bit when along came P and C with their daughter G (4 yo from China). We were invited by them for a playdate at the park for later in the day with S (6 yo from China) and J (4 yo from China). We continued on our journey to grab a bite to eat at the hot dog joint and then a quick bang trim for Cara-Li. This is when we ran into R with his 2 daughters (you guessed it... from China!). We managed to see all these people and we were but 5 minutes away from our house!
I, myself, had big plans of Spring cleaning but it was all indoors stuff. Hard to do when the weather is so nice. So, I pretty much did nothing but be out with the girls and shop a little. Gord, however, was a busy bee. Washing windows and digging stuff out of the garden in order to plant some new cedars. He did a fabulous job and honestly, I don't know why it took us so long to do this! Our backyard looks great... should think about having a garden party...
I, myself, had big plans of Spring cleaning but it was all indoors stuff. Hard to do when the weather is so nice. So, I pretty much did nothing but be out with the girls and shop a little. Gord, however, was a busy bee. Washing windows and digging stuff out of the garden in order to plant some new cedars. He did a fabulous job and honestly, I don't know why it took us so long to do this! Our backyard looks great... should think about having a garden party...
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Well, here you go. After being back for 2 weeks, I finally sat down early this AM to look at our Cuban vacation photos. Must say I am somewhat disappointed in my lack of photo taking and the quality of the photos I did manage to take. I am presently in a no photo mood. Oh well. All has been recorded in my little brain and the memories are there for me, for always. Anyway, here are some of the photos that I did manage to pluck out of the mess for your viewing.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Churro Withdrawal!
Yes, we have been back from Cuba since late Friday and I have not had a churro in 3 days! I am dying! There was a churro cart along side the cotton candy cart in the lobby of the hotel and it was a struggle everyday as to what to eat first! One day in particular, I had 6 churros and 3 cotton candies. What a good day that was!

I have to say that Gord was brilliant in planning this trip. That's right, Gord... brilliant. We travelled with another family whose younger boy is in CL's class and whose older daughter is also a good friend of hers. This family also happens to be our neighbors. Anyway... when we were planning this trip, Gord was in charge of all arrangements. I personnaly hate reading Trip Advisor and searching the internet for the best deal. Gord decided we would try Cayo Coco this time around as everyone comments on how beautiful the beaches are there. The other family agreed to go where ever Gord thought was best. So let's just say, he was feeling a little pressure!
So why do I say that Gord was brillant you ask? Here is the list:
- Cayo Coco has 23 kms of the most amazing beaches I have ever seen
- He booked the VIP package which of course I was against due to its cost
- This VIP package allowed us express check in and check out
- This VIP package gave us an oceanfront view. Wow!
- This VIP package got us 6 dinners at 6 a la carte restaurants therefore no buffets for dinner. Yeah!
- The hotel was smart enough to make all our dinner reservations for our entire stay so no lining up with the rif-raf to get one
- This VIP package got us beach towels delivered to our room daily so there was no running around for fresh ones
- VIP package is the way to go
- We flew out late Friday afternoon with arrival late evening. This meant that we left late the following Friday therefore getting a complete day at the beach
- We returned on Good Friday which meant we still had 3 days off before returning to work on Tuesday
- And finally, Gord left the clouds at home (he usually brings all the bad weather) thus breaking the curse that has been following us for years! We have a complete week of nothing but sun and more sun.
I have yet to go through our photos of the trip so I will post them in a couple of days. What have I done in the last 3 days you ask if I didn't go through my pics? I haven't the foggiest idea! And I didn't even touch our laundry yet!
Ah yes... Cara-Li received a kids cookbook for her BD last week and so today she decided that she would make something from it.
VoilĂ ! A Bunny Salad for Easter! Too cute!
That is half a pear for the body with carrots as ears and curd cheese as a tail.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Bye Bye!
We bid you farewell as we begin our journey to Cayo Coco, Cuba! As of tonight, we will spending 7 glorious days at the Tryp Cayo Coco:

and as tomorrow morning, we will be swimming in this:

Talk to you all when we get back. Bye Bye!
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