Bye for now cottage but we'll be back soon!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
At the cottage
Thursday, September 27, 2007
11 months old today
We are off to the cottage tomorrow for the weekend, Alexia's first. I do hope that she likes her room up there. Wait till she finds out she has to share with Cara-Li. Cara-Li is extremely excited to be sleeping in the same room as her as in town they have their own bedrooms. We'll see how that goes!
This past weekend, Cara-Li joined up with her soccer team for a final few games of the season. Most of her friends/team mates are off to other schools so she was very excited to see them again.
Monday, September 24, 2007
It's not easy!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Dream vs. Reality
We're Back!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Our last day in China :(
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Rained out
Our next stop was Peking Duck for lunch. Mmmm good! I have been waiting for this since our last trip to China. And the restaurant was just beautiful. Most restaurants that are fancier have many different private rooms for different number of people. The room we were in was just exquisite in its decor. A great way to enjoy a fabulous meal.
Once back at the hotel, daddy put Alexia down for a nap while Cara-Li watched a movie. Laure and I went for a walk in search of a tiny alley that leads to some sort of market. We found it and what an experience. The merchandise was the same but we found some sort of outdoor food court where people were eating all sorts of different kinds of meats on skewers. You had the usual fare... beef, chicken, fish. But upon closer inspection, they were starfish, seahorse, grasshoppers, larvae and live scorpions on skewers ready to be grilled. OMG!!! The scorpions were wriggling on the sticks. Yuck!
Funny story. Did you ever think you can have your Crocs shined by a shoe shiner trying to sell you the shoe shining cream? Yes, you can! Our Crocs are spotless and the fellow even took the time to go around all the little holes in the shoes. What a funny experience!
We had our final happy hour tonight as the group leaves for home tomorrow. We are staying one extra day. We are still trying to decide what to do with our day. I sense that shopping is at the top of our list. It is so much fun walking around the city, especially through the markets and dealing with the locals. Maybe we'll even try the scorpion shishkabob!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Summer Palace
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Great Wall of China
Monday, September 10, 2007
Doctor's visit & Tea House
PS: Cara-Li wants to go home... she misses her Barbies!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
We are in Beijing!
Well... they are not particularily thrilled in this shot, but I promise, they are having lots of fun!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Nanchang Zoo
You'd think he'd get up for us. Not a chance! Not today. What you're from Canada... that's too bad!
Here we are as we wait for the seal show to begin. The MC is babbling on and on about god knows what until finally the seal appears, does a 2 minute stint and shuffles off. MC babbles some more and according to our guide, she is saying that the seal is not cooperating and does not want to perform today. Disney World this is not! Too funny!
We had a fabulous lunch once again thanks to our guide and her dish ordering skills. Just when you thought you already had the cheapest meal possible the other night (just $15 for 4 people for dinner), we had an even cheaper meal today at $10 for 4 people! And you should have seen how fancy this restaurant was!
After nap time, the girls went for a swim at the hotel pool with baba while mama had a group meeting in preparation for the Canadian Embassy and discussed all the activities for next week in Beijing. Wow... it will be a action-packed week!
We ended our day with another fabulous dinner at a local restaurant. Here I thought I would lose weight in China like I did the last time (10 lbs.) but not with all this wonderful Chinese food flowing around me. I'd probably gain weight if I didn't have to eat quickly as Alexia is not a big fan of the high chair. It's not so easy to eat with a baby sitting on your lap and grabbing everything in sight.
I'd like to show you two sides of China.
Complete serentity and utter beauty
Complete chaos
These two worlds are right next to each other... but when you are in one, you'd never know the other one existed. I love China!
I leave you with a look at my two beauties during bathtime... I missed this due to the very long meeting :(