Did I mention that the instructor loved them both stating that the landscape one looked more like a painting than a photograph and the one of Alexia was good enough to enter in a photo contest! Wow! I was not expecting that!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Photography 101: Lesson #3
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Family visits and 16 months!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Photography 101: Lesson #2
Monday, February 18, 2008
Thank goodness it's Monday....
On Saturday, it is up early to shovel the roof (Gord) while I make waffles (yum-yum). Once the breakfast dishes are done, I throw some ingredients in the slow cooker to make a mighty tasty beef stroganoff. Once that was going, I throw together a lunch for the skiers (Cara-Li and Gord) who leave me for the entire day of fun in the snow. Then, I bake an upside down pineapple cake just because I have a pineapple lying around. Alexia is either napping, eating or playing during all the cooking / baking time. Somewhere in between all this, I read my next photography lesson and think about my assignment which is stressing me as I do not know when I will take my 3 required shots. Upon the skiers' return, dinner is promptly served and devoured by all. Once the kids are tucked into bed, it is my turn to lie down on the couch and catch some ZZZZ's before starting another day. All this before 8PM!
Sssshhhh, Baby. What did Oprah just day?
Alexia is proud to be feeding Baby!
My delicious Upside Down Pineapple Cake
On Sunday, it is up even earlier as Cara-Li insisted on skiing again. So Gord and Cara-Li are gone by 9AM and back by noon looking for lunch. After a quick bite (there was noooo cooking today - leftovers only), we decide to snoeshoe around the lake. This is my opportunity to get my pictures! So with camera around my neck, I try to capture the beauty surrounding me. And after over 500 pictures, I think I got my 3 shots. My family is ready to disown me at this point. I even caught Gord wishing the batteries would die or that the memory card was full. They just don't get it! Alexia and I return to the cottage for a nap while the other 2 snowmobile off into the sunset. Oh and let's not forget our lovely Sunday night dinner at Chalet BBQ. It doesn't get better than chicken and french fries after a weekend like this!
My snowshoers, Gord and Alexia.
And Cara-Li, the other snowshoer.
And they're off to blaze a trail around the lake.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Photography 101: Lesson #1
Our first assignment came in last Wednesday and due to lack of time, I only started reading the lesson on Sunday night. Unfortunately for me, my best subjects are at the cottage (lake, snow, trees). And with 2 sicks kids and 1 husband out of town, I had a really tough time taking photos at home. While one was a school and the other was napping, I managed to snap some shots in my backyard. Nothing too interesting. Then I tried some flower shots indoors. Nope. No good either. Then some of Cara-Li's Chinese dolls. These were good but did not depict the lesson quite right. I will reuse this subject at a later time as they are cute! Finally, as I was in the bathroom, I looked out the window to see the temperaure on the thermometer and there it was. My photo! I must have shot this exact photo 50 times at different times of the day. Finally, in the late afternoon as the sun was setting, I got my picture. And it was shot in many different settings to be able to clearly understand the difference. I e-mailed my photos just in the nick of time a they are due tomorrow. Here is my personal favorite. And if anyone cares, it was shot in P mode, no flash, daylight WB, f/32.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Homes, Cottages and CNY
Friday, February 8, 2008
Chinese New Years Celebrations
BB, Cara-Li and Dumpling (BB & D from Mortimer's Mom)
Yummy from Red
What do you do with your extra candy canes from Christmas, you ask yourself? Well, rats (or mice) for Chinese New Year, of course! Cara-Li and I made these little creatures as a little thank you for coming to dinner for all their little guests.
My doorbell rang this afternoon and look at what was at the door! A lovely bouquet from Red and family as a thank you. What a nice surprise!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
5 months already
Friday, February 1, 2008
This only brings me to think of my daughters' birthmothers and how they lovingly and safely placed their babies in a public area where they were sure that they would be found and taken care of. These women showed my daughters one last sign of love by jeopardizing their own lives to ensure that their daughters had a chance at a better life.
This is not what the parents of this poor 8 month old girl did. My God... what were they thinking?